A letter from the Proof of the Pudding family:

We, at Proof of the Pudding, are heartbroken by the deep pain our Black and Brown community, employees, friends, partners, valued customers and millions of people are feeling around the world. While we cannot tell you we know exactly how you feel, we can tell you, as an organization, we are looking in the mirror and are committed to doing more to support Black lives.

We grieve all of the lives taken from people of color and stand with those ready to create change. We have zero tolerance for racism and injustice and we are committed to do our part.

We certainly don’t have all of the answers, but we have taken the time to engage in deep discussion with our team members to determine how we can best support each other, walk the walk and help make a meaningful impact in stopping racism and injustice.

Actions speak much louder than words. Our internal Better Together team has identified and has outlined monthly initiatives and actions that we are working on. We name a few below that we are focused on for the month of June, but this is no checklist and is a working collection of initiatives to be accomplished and updated on an ongoing basis.

We are here to listen, stand with you and work hard to do our part to make much-needed change.

June Initiatives:

• Support to help pass much-needed hate crimes legislation in Georgia

• Internal Personal Finance Training & Education to help correct racial disparity

• Investment in Family Education to take on hate & racism taught in the home

• Participation & support of Southern Restaurants for Social Justice Initiative benefiting Color of Change

by Kelly Treadway in Team